Friday, September 10, 2010

Don't Fake it Till You Make It

Fake it till you make it is a tag line we love to use in America. It's beneficial with networking, climbing the social ladder, and boosting your man's self esteem. You know what it's not beneficial for? Getting an orgasm. No matter how many times you run your hands through your mans hair hoping to arouse some sexual sensation, and no matter how many times you finally let out a moan in an attempt to throw in the towel, You're only hurting yourself by letting a guy rub you raw and acting like a pleasure bomb was just shoved up your vajayjay. Why lie?! Why allow yourself to be put through this torture night after night? If you're too lazy to teach your man, then toss your man, because his dysfunctional digits will only lead you to despair and doubt. Doubt on whether you'll ever get to climax without self-help or a pocket rocket. And who wants that?

Do NOT fake it!! If you're thinking about what outfit you'll wear tomorrow, or whether or not you turned off the hall light while he's pounding into you, RED FLAG. Instead of letting out a generic "Oh God. Oh yes." and hoping that'll suffice his ego, grab the reigns to that train wreck and lead it to pleasure town yourself! Whether you're having sex, finger fking, or he went for a dive down under, You know what you like (and if you don't then quit trying to find euphoria from foreign fingers and get friendly with yourself) so take command! Flip him under you, guide his hand or hair in whatever way will make you say "oh GOD. oh YES." instead. If he's still not grasping the gspot then charts, graphs, and Late Night Sex Talk with Sue Johanson might be required.

The longer you let him refer to himself as Get Me Off Garret God of Sex when he can't even get you in the mood... the longer you let him swagger into the room and ask "Two? Three? How many times you wanna get off tonight baby?" when you can't even remember the last time he got you aroused... the more you will resent him and the more your pleasure pouch will resent you!! It's easy for guys to get theirs, some practically go in their shorts from a dry hump, so just because pleasing a female takes some time and effort don't give up on your man and start faking it.


  1. Maybe faking it is not such a bad you are saying it could build the guy's selfesteem and turn out in an orgasm in the long run for you. Building his selfesteem will make him much more willing to listen to advice and therebye improve his skills, which ultimately will "rock your world" and make your pleasure box scream for more:)

  2. I feel like this can all be summed up in one word, communication. People need to get REAL. If there is no communication how can one improve? You can't find a solution if you don't know there is a problem.
